2012 Honda Civic Transmission Fluid: How to Change?

Have you ever had to change your 2012 Honda Civic transmission fluid? Chances are, if you’ve owned a Honda car in the last few years, you’ve done so at some point. And while it may not seem like a big deal, changing your transmission fluid is essential to maintaining your car. This blog post will look at the Honda Civic transmission fluid and all the available types. We will also cover how to change it and when you should do so. Finally, we will provide some tips on how to improve your Honda Civic’s longevity.

What is Transmission Fluid?

An explanation of transmission fluid, its purpose, and importance in vehicle operation.
An explanation of transmission fluid, its purpose, and its importance in vehicle operation.

Transmission fluid is a type of motor oil used in automotive transmissions. Transmission fluid keeps the gears of a transmission moving and helps to prevent gearbox failure. Honda Civic transmission fluids use a synthetic blend that has proven effective in keeping transmissions running smoothly and avoiding problems.

Types of 2012 Honda Civic Transmission Fluid

A description of the different types of transmission fluid suitable for the 2012 Honda Civic.
A description of the different types of transmission fluid suitable for the 2012 Honda Civic.

Different Honda Civic transmission fluid types exist, including ATF, MTX, and SHS. Each has its specific purpose and should be used in certain situations.

  • ATF is the most common type of Honda Civic transmission fluid recommended for general use. It helps to protect the transmission against corrosion and wear and is also effective in preventing sticking and slipping.
  • MTX is designed for manual transmissions and is formulated to resist heat build-up. This fluid helps to minimize gear noise and allows for more consistent shifts.
  • SHS is an oil-based formulation that offers extra protection against corrosion and wear. It’s ideal for high-performance applications where heavy-duty use is expected.

How to Change 2012 Honda Civic Transmission Fluid?

A step-by-step guide on how to replace the transmission fluid in a 2012 Honda Civic.
A step-by-step guide on how to replace the transmission fluid in a 2012 Honda Civic.

If you’re having trouble with your Honda Civic shifting or slipping, it might be time to change the transmission fluid. Transmission fluid is a lubricant that helps your car move smoothly through its gears. Fluid should be changed every 3-6 months, and you can do it yourself if you have the right tools.

Here’s how to shift the 2012 Honda Civic transmission fluid:

  • Get your tools and supplies ready: You will need a compatible fluid, a pan, a funnel, brake cleaner, rags, and a jack.
  • Check the transmission fluid level: Before beginning any repairs or work on your car, it is important to ensure that the correct amount of fluid is present. To do this, you will need to check the dipstick. If it is empty or low on fluid, add just enough new fluid to bring the level up to where it should be. Do not overfill!
  • Drain and replace the transmission oil filter: Remove the oil filter from the engine block by unscrewing it counterclockwise. Make sure to replace it with a new filter if needed. Once removed, place the filter on some paper towels to absorb any spilled oil.
  • Add new Transaxle Fluid mix: Pour unique Transaxle Fluid mix according to Honda’s instructions (usually 1/4-1/2 cup per quart). Be sure that all surfaces of the transmission are covered.

When to Change Honda Civic Transmission Fluid

The Honda Civic transmission oil and filter should be changed at 7,500 miles every three months or when the engine oil is changed. The Honda Civic transmission fluid should also be checked and adjusted if the car experiences a loss of power, stiff shifting, or redline shift missed shifts.

If you’re having trouble with your Honda Civic’s transmission, it might be time to check the fluid level. Transmission fluid is a vital part of keeping your car running smoothly, and if it’s low or empty, it can cause serious problems. Keep an eye on the fluid level and top off as needed to ensure your Honda Civic stays in tip-top condition.

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